Conduct Live E-Filing TESTS

Welcome to the 1 Developer LIVE Testing Site. The 1 Developer LIVE Testing Site is for testing LIVE E-filing of RTI, PAYE, CIS300 etc. documents to the HMRC. Here you can TEST the entire e-filing process to the HMRC by using our given sample test data Spreadsheet / CSV file.

The test e-filing User ID and Password defaults to 1 2eFile's HMRC Developer User ID and Password. In the future, when you conduct your own routine RTI or your PAYE annual return or CIS300 Monthly Returns e-filing, you can either use 1 2eFile's Agent User ID and Password, or your own User ID and Password.

The Sign Up and Sign In (at the left) allows you to test the following range of services

1. RTI & EOY test

2. VAT test

3. CIS test

4. Pension test

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